Tuesday, August 21, 2012

40 weeks

How far along? 40 weeks
Total weight gain: 37 lbs
Maternity clothes? most definitely.
Stretch marks? a couple small ones :(
Sleep: terrible lately. I'm ready to be done.
Miss anything? I really want to go get sushi
Movement? yes,but smaller movements. I think she is getting very cramped.
Cravings?:  sushi!
Anything making you queasy or sick?: No
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: cramping. The Dr. stripped my membranes today to hopefully speed things along.
Symptoms: heartburn!
Belly Button in or out? In still!
Wedding rings on or off? Off for almost two months now :(
Looking forward to: Not being pregnant anymore and getting her here!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 32 lbs
Maternity clothes? oh yeah-just bought a cute maxi dress that I will be living in for now :)
Stretch marks? I can't tell if this mark on my tummy is a stretch mark...it might be :(
Sleep: I sleep well most of the time. Falling asleep is hard at times.
Miss anything? I can't wait to sleep on my stomach again!
Movement? Yes, a lot!
Food cravings: Not any in particular that I can think of...everything!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: heartburn and a rash. Hopefully the rash disappears.
Belly Button in or out? In still. Ben says it will pop when our little turkey is done. lol.
Wedding rings on or off? Off for a few weeks now. I didn't want the possibility of it having to be cut off, so I took it off when it started to feel tight.
Looking forward to: meeting our little girl! I can't believe it's less than a month now!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

AF Canyon

We went up the canyon with the fam recently. No one else had their cameras so I will be posting a lot of pictures...
It was a little cold still so we had to wear jackets.
 We took 3 munchkins in our car and got to listen to lovely renditions of "Call Me Maybe".
 Miss Marisa by the fire
 Kelsey and Dylan climbing a huge rock
 Self taken photos are the best
 Making smores and other delicious desserts
 Camryn climbed to the top of the rock all by herself!....ok, Grandpa is holding her up there.
Matt and Kelli brought sling shots

 Marisa thought the trail could use a good sweeping
Some of the crew by the fire.

We had awesome tinfoil dinners and smores. I definitely prefer day trips up to the canyon over camping (no showers etc). We're lucky to have AF canyon about 15 minutes from our house and I can't wait to do it again sometime soon!

30 weeks

Time is seriously flying by! Only 10 weeks to go! I found a cute blog that had some memories associated with each week, so I thought I'd do my own.

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: not sure, but I have a dr's appointment in 2 days
Maternity clothes? oh yeah
Stretch marks? none so far
Sleep: mostly I sleep well. I LOVE the body pillow I recently bought.
Miss anything? SUSHI!!
Movement? lots of major movements this week! It feels like popcorn popping sometimes.
Food cravings: Fruit always sounds so good! especially grapes.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not that I can think of.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: nope
Symptoms: lots of heartburn=lots of TUMS for mom
Belly Button in or out? In (I can't imagine having an outie but we'll see...)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: getting the nursery painted and setting up the crib and glider this week

Thursday, May 10, 2012

25 weeks

Where did the last month go? I meant to take a picture on week 24 but oh well! My bump definitely popped out this last month! I can't believe how big it looks in this picture. I do think this shirt is a bit deceiving... but she's definitely in there!

The first half of my pregnancy went SO easily! I feel so lucky because I had no nausea at all! This half has been a bit more challenging-I've had a rash, a lot of leg and foot swelling and a bruised feeling in my low abdomen from my bones/ligaments stretching--I guess. I'm sure she'll be worth all of that!

The fun part of this half is how much she moves! She kicks a lot! Ben finally got to feel her move and that was pretty fun. I'm also starting to make stuff for her nursery. Currently in progress is her quilt and her mobile. (I'll share pics when I'm finished)

I'm almost to the third trimester! I can't believe how quickly this is going!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pregancy Milestones

Some of these haven't happened yet but I will come back and fill them out when they do.
found out I was pregnant: just less than 4 weeks along!
bought our first baby item: 4 weeks (to announce to our family)

first saw the baby via ultrasound: 12 weeks

heard her heartbeat for the first time: 12 weeks

threw up: never (knock on wood)

first felt the baby move: 16 weeks

first craving: beans and rice-seriously, anything mexican

found my first stretch mark:

hit the halfway point!: 20 weeks

found out her gender: 20 weeks

felt her hiccups: I think I felt them at 28 weeks

wore maternity clothes for the first time: 21 weeks

gained ten pounds: 20 weeks

had a stranger touch my belly: (ugh, I hope never)

had my first contraction/braxton hick: at 28 weeks I thought I was going into labor but it turns out I was having cramping from an infection

gained twenty pounds: probably around 28 weeks ( I didn't have an appointment that week)

went to the hospital:

delivered the baby!:

Friday, April 6, 2012

ps- we're having a baby!

We were so excited when we found out on our 4th anniversary that we are expecting our first baby! We can't wait to be parents. I decided I would take a "belly shot" once a month to document my bump and how fast it grows!

This is the first glimpse of a bump and a realization that there is really something in there!
Our friend Kate did an ultrasound conference weekend so we could check the gender early! She got some good baby shots and said it was definitely a girl! We had our regular ultrasound with my doctor today and they confirmed what we already knew. We're really excited to start buying girly stuff and putting glitter on everything! ;)