Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little more has changed...

Wow am I bad at blogging? Rhetorical question, I haven't blogged for about 3 weeks, but in my defense, I am pretty busy. I started hair school last month and I go full time Monday-Friday from 8-4:30, not counting homework (yes there is homework for hair school). 3-4 times a week I work at Old Navy by the South Towne mall and every Sunday we teach the 12 year old Sunday School class. I know everyone is probably thinking "Oh, if that was all I had to do, I'd have plenty of time to blog" but I find it hard to squeeze in time for this and working out alongside all of the above mentioned things.

Anyway--I have lost another 5 pounds! I can already tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting! What am I doing you ask? Well, everytime we saw the empty place in a store where a wii fit was supposed to be in the display case, I would go off about how much I wanted one. On Valentine's day, I was ultra surprised (really, I honestly was) to open my very own wii fit!!! For those of you who haven't had the chance to play on one, the very first time you play, you must do a "body test". I had heard that the wii fit would weigh you and I was pretty sure I wasn't a stick but I hopped on and the tiny wii fit voice said "overweight!" I was mortified! ...Here my wii fit character went from looking 'normal' to gaining a tire around her midsection and a fatty fat booty :( not my proudest moment. I looked around as my cute husband stared at the screen, not only did I have to hear that I was overweight, but other people heard too! (Disclaimer: the wii fit is awesome and there is a password protected option if you don't want others knowing your bmi and weight.) What is it about hearing someone else say what you already know that makes it harder to accept? I knew I wasn't the size 2 I wish I was, but I also didn't ever have anyone tell me I wasn't. After having a quick moment of self pity, I realized this is the starting point, I don't have to stay like this! Wow...really? I don't have to be an 'overweight' size forever? The wii fit then tells you that if you have a specific goal, it will help motivate you even more, so I set my initial goal: Lose 15 pounds in 3 months. I know on my previous post I said "lose 30 by my b-day in August" and I'm not giving up on that, I am simply setting a shorter term goal to get me on my way.

Another thing I have recently started is my ghetto version of Weight Watchers. Ghetto? yes, ghetto. I count my points and have meetings 5x a week instead of once and don't pay one cent. Okay, so they aren't official WW meetings, but I really think they help. My WW partner is my friend Julie from hair school. We are constantly discussing WW and supporting eachother through it. The reason I love WW is you can eat ANYTHING, you just have to count the points for it. M&M's just don't seem as tempting when I know that I have to account for them on my daily record. There are plenty of websites that are dedicated to sharing WW help. A couple of my favorites that Julie gave me are:

and my mom gave me one:
And five more pounds...GONE! I'm feeling great!


linnylou said...

that's awesome stacy, congrats!

Mackenzie Sue said...

I love the wii fit. Both my parents and my inlaws got one for Christmas and after playing for awhile I was addicted and made my husband buy one.

Julie said...

we'll see how ghetto we are when we are small and hott. yes, double the t. hott.

Wii Fat Marathon said...

Found your blog while Googling. You were mortified when it told you that you were overweight? Imagine how I felt when it told me I was OBESE! Yikes! Not only that, but the chart informed me I could lose 45 pounds and STILL be obese!

You didn't like the "spare tire" on your Mii? My Mii looks like the Michelin Tire Man!

Keep working! Check out my blog ...

