Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pregancy Milestones

Some of these haven't happened yet but I will come back and fill them out when they do.
found out I was pregnant: just less than 4 weeks along!
bought our first baby item: 4 weeks (to announce to our family)

first saw the baby via ultrasound: 12 weeks

heard her heartbeat for the first time: 12 weeks

threw up: never (knock on wood)

first felt the baby move: 16 weeks

first craving: beans and rice-seriously, anything mexican

found my first stretch mark:

hit the halfway point!: 20 weeks

found out her gender: 20 weeks

felt her hiccups: I think I felt them at 28 weeks

wore maternity clothes for the first time: 21 weeks

gained ten pounds: 20 weeks

had a stranger touch my belly: (ugh, I hope never)

had my first contraction/braxton hick: at 28 weeks I thought I was going into labor but it turns out I was having cramping from an infection

gained twenty pounds: probably around 28 weeks ( I didn't have an appointment that week)

went to the hospital:

delivered the baby!:

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